treatments for kids
Ayurveda works with children as well! These treatments are altered for the specific needs of children to help aid in healthy development.
Treatments available for children up to 13 years only.
Our Ayurvedic Consultation for children involves assessing their unique constitution, identifying any imbalances, and providing personalized recommendations to promote their overall health and well-being. 60 minutes, $110 (plus tax)
Between 6 and 12 weeks after your initial consultation an update on your Ayurvedic report will be done. This is best done seasonally since our needs change as the seasons change. 30 minutes, $70 (plus tax)
An oil massage treatment that is gentle and natural which can be beneficial for children to help reduce stress and promote emotional well-being due to the relaxing and grounding nature of the treatment. It also soothes the skin and promotes healthy skin function.
30 minutes, $55 (plus tax)
Our most popular treatment not just with adults, but also kids. A stream of lukewarm oil is poured onto the third eye and forehead to help revitalize the mind.
This treatment can be particularly beneficial for children experiencing anxiety, hyperactivity, or sleep disturbances. It also combines well with Abhyanga.
45 minutes, $95 (plus tax)
This treatment combines the traditional Shirodhara and Abhyanga treatments. A full body massage with ayurvedic oils helps loosen toxins in the body and direct them towards the organs of elimination. This popular massage will help relax and prepare the body for mental relaxation. Lukewarm oil is then poured over the third eye forehead to revitalize the mind and relieve mental stress. This combo helps promote healthy growth and relaxation for children. 60 to 75 minutes, starting at $120 (plus tax)
Ayurvedic Head Massage: A deep head massage that helps relieve pain and tension in your neck, back, and shoulders while also improving hair and scalp condition. 30 minutes, $50 (plus tax)